Património a Norte Campaign

Design by OOF + DRCN (via Opium)   2022

Património a Norte is an event promoted by the Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte, a government agency under the Ministry of Culture of Portugal with the mission of promoting access to the cultural and heritage assets of the northern region of Portugal. In the 2022 edition, we were challenged by Opium to collaborate in the communication and documentation of the event, which took place in six national monuments in the region.

We aimed to promote this cycle of events using vibrant graphic language through a combination of color, illustration, and typography. Print and digital solutions were developed for each of the locations, always with the stamp “Património a Norte”. In the transversal communication supports, such as the website or the rollup, the brand Património a Norte was always the first hierarchical level.

The event had more than a thousand participants and promoted the six monuments through guided tours, gastronomic moments, and concerts, in a direct relationship between culture and heritage. In parallel with the communication, Design by OOF also developed 6 interactive visits to the monuments through a game for smartphones, with different challenges that sought to foster the symbolic relationship between the visitor and the heritage. The project of the interactive visits can be seen here.